My dream for many years has been to start dog breeding. Already in the 70s, I started to interest me for breeding and genetics and has many books on the subject. The interest intensified when I studied and took my BSc in intensive care nurse in 1980. Life does not always turn out as expected. Education, jobs, and a temporary move abroad meant that plans had to be put aside for many years.

My philosophy when it comes to breeding work is to be as accurate as I can before the planned mating, to find out as much as I can about the possible partner, check pedigrees and different data, see how the dogs would suit each other in type etc. Everything one can not get a grip of and everything can always happen, as we know. However, I will do as much as I can and stand for what I have been doing / done!
I have taken Swedish Kennel Klubb´s breeder program and also a course in Anatomy and assessment techniques of 16 different breeds, given written judge comments and placed the dogs, completed in Fall 2015. Our teachers were highly respected and experienced judges Mrs. Ann-Christin Johansson and Mr. Nils Molin.

As for exhibitions, I say Thank you and goodbye to "leash judgments" depending who is the handler. What matter is the dog and not the handler. A judge should in my eyes possess integrity. For me it's about respect for the exhibiters and their dogs.
Since 1972 when we bought our first dog, who was a ´mixed´ dog, we have had Lhasa Apso and German Shepherd. The German Shepherd was our faithful companion and we were very sad as she was only 9 years old when we had to let her go. Through an employee at my business company we heard that there was a Bearded Collie dog for sale at kennel Heathervalley´s. We called Marianne at Kennel Heathervalley´s  and we could pick him up the next day, on Halloween. It was a hit and now we were "hooked up" on this lovely breed.
Marianne thought that we should attend some shows and with that our intererest for showing was woken. Unfortunately Gassi proved not to be the ultimate showdog when he had grown out of the puppy classes.
We now decided to look for a bitch for showing. We found her at kennel Beardmarked´s. Nova was a wonderful, calm and confident girl, unlike our whirlwind of dog. It didn´t take her that long to tell our dog who was in charge, though.The same breed but gee how different they were. 
Nova was International Champion, Swedish, Danish and Slovenian Champion. In addition to champion titles, she was BOB and BOS several times at International and national shows abroad. The Swedish championship lingered, however. She was sparingly shown.
The highlight of her show career was when she became BIS Veteran and Swedish champion (!) at a big National show in Visby for an English judge. Getting her to set up nicely in front of a camera did not work, but I think a joyful picture says more than thousand words. It was probably the first time a BIS veteran did not come in Hundsport, were the dogs preferably should be neatly lined up.
Nova was one of our foundation bitches and has given us two litters that have conquered titles in many different dog activities.
The first litter, born in 2007, after a wonderful German male, Multi Champion and JWW, now and then Hole-in -One, that I followed close at exhibitions in Europe. It proved to be an excellent combination. In this litter  Della, BREAKER´S CHAMPUS DELIGHT, was born. At her first "big" show she became Junior Winner in a large class at the Circuit exhibition to WDS in Stockholm. She was also the first beardie born and living in Sweden who became German Junior Champion! Since then she has became International Champion, HUCH, HRCH, DKCH, DECH, VDHCH, SECH and SLCH, she is also Approved Herding test. She has been BOB and BOS several times and also got placed in Group. In Sweden, she as Nova had to wait long for her Swedish Champion title. Della has given us wonderful puppies.
In Nova's first litter was also Sally, Breaker Choice For Victory, born and she also became International Champion and won several championships and also winning titles. Both Della and Sally has been found to have herding instinct and got approved herding tests. Sally has also proven to be an excellent obedience -and Rally Obedience Dog, and demonstrated talent in other dog sports.

In Novas second litter, even that after a German male, CH. Spirit Of Caledonia, David, was born among others Wilma, Breaker Dazzling Black Beauty, who have proven herself in Rally Obedience and won several titles. She has also received at dogshows. From this litter one laid back boy stayed with us and he is my husbands dog. A lovely black male with the darkest eyes I ever seen in a beardies and calm.
In September 2006 we brought home a new little member of the family. It was a little black babybitch from kennel Kiaora, Czech Republic. Ayio, Double Fantasy Kiaora, who blended into our family perfectly in no time and she also had a bright future ahead of her. It took some time for her to mature, but the outcome couldn´t have been better. She is International Champion, Hungarian Champion, Polish Champion, Swedish Champion and Slovenian Champion. Except beeing BOB and BOS, she has been placed in Best bitch class with R-CC and also came 3:rd in a large specialty show in Czech republic under a breedspecialist and breeder of bearded collies. She has been Best Veteran bitch at several shows in Sweden and abroad.
In Ayio's first litter with a Swedish male, International, Swedish, Finnish Danish champion Alistair's King Of The Castle, we lost the puppies, but a remating was done and we got 3 wonderful male puppies. The one who stayed at the kennel was Brisse, Breaker Go For It, who at a young age became best puppy at the Specialty in Denmark and also at a National show in Poland. He also won Junior class male at a specialty show in Sweden, was best Junior with the CWC (Polish JCAC), and took together with his mother Ayio  Best In Show 4 in the brace class in strong competition at a National show in Poland. Brisse is Polish Champion and also have Approved herding test, RLD N title, Qualifying results in continuing class and also qualifying results in Obedience.
The idea that has been with me a long time is to join my two bitch lines. Both females are healthy, have good mentality and construction, additionally they has the age. Brisse is a young male, after Ayio, with a bright future and Della, after Nova is a mature bitch with super construction. The mating was done and the result was above expectations. 7 wonderful puppies were born, 2 males and 5 females all black and at birth I saw their construction. That one puppy would stay here, was no doubt when I saw them. It proved to be difficult to select which one.
Breaker Hidden Treazure, Snäckan, stayed with us. She is a very nice social bitch with excellent  movement. At her first CAC show ever, Intermediate class, she went BOB and was 1 of 6 selected in Group final.
At the age of 2,½ year she gained 2 CACIB, 2 CAC, 1 BOB, AND 1 BOS, and not to forget 1 Champion title
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Accuracy comes from knowledge
knowledge comes from passion